When Do You Need To Check Your Blood Sugar?

Testing blood sugar gives an insight into how a body reacts to ongoing diabetes treatment. Monitoring your blood sugar level from time to time helps your healthcare professional to make modifications to the treatment as per the high or low levels of blood sugar. Not only medicinal treatments, but blood sugar testing can also help you track if the dietary changes are aiding in your healing. My Local Test is the most reliable platform for Private Blood Tests in London & Nationwide.

The procedure of blood testing for diabetes measures the exact amount of glucose present in the blood. Carbohydrates contribute to these glucose levels that come from grains, fruits etc; which when entered the body converts into glucose. In this article, we outline suggested times to check your blood sugar as per the type of diabetes you are suffering from.

The right moment to check your blood sugar

1. Type-1 diabetes: These patients require to check their diabetes four to even ten times a day. If you are a type-1 diabetes patient, you must test your blood sugar before:

       Meals and snacks

       Exercising and after as well


You might be required to even check it a couple of times at night. The need for testing intensifies, at the times:

       You are sick

       You have changed your routine

       You are under certain medication.

2. High blood sugar: A diabetes patient must always ensure that they don't have high sugar levels. In the event, the urge to drink water and urinate increases more than usual, the chances are your blood sugar levels are high. If you have the mentioned symptoms and high sugar, visit a doc as soon as possible. A specialist will modify the ongoing treatment based on the blood test results. If the diet isn't the reason, blood sugar usually hypes due to sickness and stress.

3. Low blood sugar: Blood sugar needs to be at accurate levels. Just like high, low blood sugar can be risky too. You must be having low blood sugar if you are showing symptoms like Shakiness, Irritation, Hunger, Confusion, Stubbornness, Impatience, Irritation, Sweating, Weakness, Sadness, etc. Make sure to get your Blood Tests Near Milton Keynes for diabetes in such instances.

Additional cases:

Your doctor might advise you to check your blood sugar, even when you are pregnant. Research has shown that some women develop gastrointestinal diabetes during pregnancy months. It is due to the hormones altering the way our body uses insulin in the course of pregnancy. The chances of gastrointestinal diabetes diminish soon after childbirth.

How to test blood sugar?

There are two ways to test your sugar. First is through a Glucometer that can be used at home to draw blood out of the finger and get test results from its readings. However, the chances of error in this method are pretty excessive. For that very reason, doctors always suggest their patients get their blood sugar tested by a lab.

In this second method, a healthcare professional will visit your home to take your blood in the morning when you haven't eaten anything. In a matter of a few hours, you can get your test results. If you also want to get your blood sugar tested, My Local Test can help you with this! You can call us on 020 45127860 to book your appointment. Or visit our office at Unit 1 Windsor Park, 50 Windsor Avenue, London, SW19 2TJ, UK. 


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